Friday, September 24, 2010

Movie Matinee
Sat. Sept 25th
11 am

Bring Snacks & Get Comfortable
"TinkerBell and the Great Fairy Rescue"
on the Big Screen

Monday, September 20, 2010

Cruisin' 2010

A Beautiful Day for Cruisin' into Waterville!

The Library was a popular place to stop in,
and the tent outside hosted the Alumni Dinner.

Plus, our Friends were serving up
"C" is for Chili
at the Chili Cook-off.

And, Matt Episcipo
kept the audience guessing and laughing
with some fantastic magic!

Thanks to everyone who supported us!

Monday, September 13, 2010

With it being
"Back to School" Time

Our Bookworms Program is back in full gear,
and the kids are already working on their
goal to beat last year's
reading Bookworm of 3000 books.

Kids Club (ages 5-11)
is also in full swing.
Drop in this Wed. @ 3 pm
for Fall Painting.

Plus, Book Covers@ 4 pm on Thurs.
for any school age kids.

Adults, keep your eyes
open for all of the great fall reads
many of your favorite authors are producing.
We're trying to keep up with them!

And, DON"T FORGET during Crusin Into Waterville
we'll have magician
Matt Episcipo
Sat. Sept. 18 @ 10:30 am

Friday, September 3, 2010

Labor Day

Enjoy Labor Day Weekend!

The Library will be closed
Sept. 4, 5, & 6th
for the Holiday.

Starting Sept. 11th we will be
open on Saturdays 10 am - 2 pm
again until the end of June.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Library Lines - 9/1/10

We had a great turnout this year for the Summer Reading Program. Congratulations to all our Summer Readers. Kids & Teens read 2,065 hours & adults read 131 books! Also, congratulations to our Summer Reading prize winners: Naomi Saville, Renee Rashford, Debby Olin, Annarae Martin, Jessica Scoones, Joe Misiaszek, Jenna Mincy, Sarah Tower, Ryan Neidhart & Logan Misiaszek.

Thank you to everyone who volunteered at the Carnival, we had a great turnout and everyone had a fantastic time. Amanda, Jill and Travis were dunked repeatedly in the Dunk Tank by all the kids who showed up. For pictures of your water soaked librarians visit our blog at

With school and fall fast approaching don't forget to stop at your library for your library cards. It's a great asset for kids, teens and adults. Best of all they are completely free to get! We receive new children's, teens and adult books every month. Plus almost every week we receive new movies and cd's. So stop into the library today, we're right on White Street.

Upcoming September events include: Kids Club (every Wed. @ 3pm), Camp Rock 2 movie night, Book Covering Night, Night on the Town (movie: Killers), Curious George Party, Magician Matt Episcopo, Family Movie Night, Story Hour, Tinkerbell Movie Matinee and much more! For more information on these upcoming events visit us online at, stop in or give us a call. We'll be happy to answer any of your questions.

~Amanda Briggs, Children's Librarian
Congratulations to all our Summer Readers Kids & Teens read 2,065 hours, & Adults read 131 books!
Also, Congratulations to our Summer Reading Prize Winners:

3 Adult Winners
won loaded Library bags
with gift certificates & goodies from around town:
Naomi Saville
Renee Rashford
Debby Olin

Teen IPod Winner:
Anna Rae Martin

Teen Twilight Set Winner:
Jessica Scoones

Kids Water Safari Winners:
Joe Misiaszek
Jenna Mincy

Kids Prize Package Winners:
Sarah Tower
Ryan Neidhart
Logan Misiaszek